Chapter One
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...Bringing excellence home
Press Release
Reversing chronic disease, creating health, and re-writing the story using Integrative and Functional Medicine.
Globe, Ariz., August 1, 2018 – Those looking for an integrative approach to health care will soon have a new option in Globe-Miami with the Chapter One Wellness Center officially opening on Oct. 1st, 2018.
As an Integrative Physician, Dr. Michelle Pettitt addresses chronic disease and the impact it has on everyday living by using a “whole person approach.” This approach considers all aspects of health including preventative medicine, lifestyle, nutrition, hormone imbalances, vitality, GI function, metabolic function, and environmental toxins. Dr. Pettitt is thorough. She forms a partnership with her patients through education, strategies, and long-term health goals. “Patients are much more likely to reach goals and create health when they understand that a disease process is not a natural aging process, but consequences of lifestyle choices. When we begin to understand that disease can be reversed, and health can be created, it is empowering” says Dr. Pettitt. Integrative medicine offers hope to those who have essentially given up on ever feeling good again, much less feeling AMAZING again.
Integrative & Functional Medicine utilizes prescriptions when necessary, but also offers a wide array of treatment options including IV nutrition, lifestyle counseling, PRP and prolotherapy, acupuncture, massage, spinal manipulations, detoxification, mind-body techniques, natural pain management, weight loss, and health coaching. Patients opting for integrative care have better outcomes, vitality and quality of life with less health care costs, hospitalizations, and a better overall patient experience than those opting for conventional care alone. Dr. Pettitt is actively looking for an energetic, motivated, talented, and caring Health Squad to collaborate with to provide our community with optimal health and wellness.
Dr. Pettitt was born and raised in Globe-Miami, graduating from Miami High School. After high school, she certified as an Emergency Medical Technician through EAC and worked for the local hospital and fire department. She then pursued her associate degree in Respiratory Therapy followed by her bachelor’s degree in Health Science from Grand Canyon University. She completed 2 years of pre-medical courses before acceptance into the doctoral program at Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine (SCNM, partner of University of Arizona’s College of Public Health). She has provided allied healthcare at CVRMC, Banner, and Phoenix Children’s Hospitals for 12 years.
Dr. Pettitt is currently practicing inside of Desert Oasis Wellness Center with Dr. Julie Keel. Dr. Keel will continue to provide care at the Desert Oasis location. “Working with Dr. Keel has been a gratifying experience and I am grateful for this opportunity to grow.” Dr. Pettitt’s decision to completely rebrand came after a lunch meeting with Chad Campbell, one of the providers at Hope Family Care. “He asked me where I wanted to be in 5 years, or 10 years, and sadly, I didn’t have an answer. I knew I loved being a doctor and offering a different kind of medicine, but I lacked a clear VISION.”
On October 1st, 2018, Dr. Pettitt will open the doors of Chapter One Wellness Center in the Sunset Point Plaza next to Fry’s. “We have outgrown the current space at Desert Oasis, and this move is necessary for growth and expansion. We will be in the new space until one day, we outgrow it as well.” says Dr. Pettitt.
“For me personally, Chapter One is a new beginning, and Chapter One means that I have the power to design my future. I believe that for my patients as well. I’m here to help them write their best story.”
Progress at Chapter One Wellness Center
Made a little progress today. Etched vinyl on windows and doors thanks to my rockstar cuzzo, Scott Stanneart @PRIgraphics --- internet, phones, computer system up and running thanks to Josh B @CVRMC --- our sports medicine room is mostly finished, our aesthetics room is mostly finished (not pictured here) and our treatment room will be finished by Sat (also, not pictured here). Its been fast and furious but Im ready for OCT 1st 💜😎